One to One
One to one therapy sessions are guided by an individual therapy plan. This is a document that outlines the length of the block, your child’s goals for the therapy block and how progress will be measured.
Your child will attend 45-minute or 60-minute therapy sessions each week. For children under 10 years-old, parents also need to attend. Sessions may be completed in the clinic or via telehealth. During sessions, your child will be provided with multiple, scaffolded opportunities to practise their goal.
At times during your one to one therapy block, your therapist may recommend additional resource development or ask to talk with your child’s teacher or other health professionals. Sometimes, they may visit your child at preschool or school one time during the block. Additional fees apply for these services.
Sometimes, your therapist may recommend a block to consolidate therapy goals in real-world settings with opportunities to ‘check-in’ with your therapist. This is called an Independent Practice Block.
At other times, you or your therapist may decide to take an intentional break from therapy. This is an integral part of our service delivery model as we believe that breaks can be good for everyone. It can provide time to consolidate skills, focus on other areas of development, and allow for some rest-time in periods of change in families lives such as when welcoming a new baby, or during the first term of big school or high school. Intentional breaks are planned and discussed with your therapist.

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